Sarah Coleman

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About Sarah

Sarah Coleman is a Northern California artist who’s home is the Sierra foothills. With degrees in Fine Art and Cultural Anthropology from UC Santa Cruz, she views the world through a lens that includes both creativity and culture.

For the last decade Sarah Coleman has made paintings with imagery solely from the sky as a way to connect with with ancestors and humankind and promote daydreaming. Through her work, she explores the emotional and cultural impacts of atmosphere and weather, honoring the idea that all humans - past, present and future - are connected by the unseen reverberations of our sun, moon, stars, and cosmos. Coleman developed a recent body of work using layers of glass and mirrors to create 3D paintings that capture and reflect light. These atmospheric pieces provide a feeling of weightlessness and solace. The viewer sees themselves reflected in the mirror.

For the FOREST//FIRE project, Coleman created a piece that illustrates the beauty and horror of a smoke-filled sky. Calling on her experience being evacuated from her home during fire season, this work explores the intersection of reverence, fear and wonder.

Learn more about Sarah here.
